Breviora contains short papers on systematics, evolutionary biology, ecology, and other aspects of organismal and comparative biology, specifically based on specimens held in the Harvard University’s Museum of Comparative Zoology’s collections.
Appropriate submissions for The Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology and Breviora are original contributions concerned with systematics, evolutionary biology, ecology, and other aspects of organismal and comparative biology.
Longer contributions, those over 30 printed pages, should be published in the Bulletin; Breviora carries shorter papers. Both publications are issued at irregular intervals, mailed to domestic and foreign subscribers, and are automatically copyrighted with the Library of Congress.
Print ISSN: 0006-9698
Online ISSN: 1938-2979
Current: Jul 2024 : Volume 577 Issue 1
BioOne Member Since: 2007
Frequency: Continuous
Impact Factor: 5.1
Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION 5/74, ECOLOGY 22/195
Journal Citation Indicator: NA